Online Stadium Ticketing System using QR Code


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With the advancement of technology, new software and devices are being developed to ease man’s work. Today we have computerized ticket system for sports stadiums. Although the computerized system made life easier, there are still problems where people queue for long for their tickets to be verified before being given access to stadium. This is a time-consuming process as diagnosing record of real-time data of each ticket takes much time.

It would be of great convenience to have single unified approach to ticketing where a user can book ticket from the comfort of their homes and get their validated ticket through QR code and on the other side by scanning the code, the admin can get details of user and collect the fair respectively. In this paper, we are proposing QR-code generator and reader for online stadium ticket booking system. The QR-code (Quick Response code) is chosen due to its fast readability and greater storage capacity compared to standard UPC barcodes. Our solution is implemented on a web-based system which was built using PHP programming language and MySQL for data storage.












    1. Background of the Study

The use of technology has become an integral part of today’s new global economy. The rapid development of the internet in recent years, and couple with the introduction of Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) in business environment world over have been on the rise in terms of web presence. In Nigeria, this development has led to a dramatic growth of internet-depended business activities in the likes of mobile banking and electronic commerce being handled on mobile devices. These impacts no doubt have been on the rise and may continue to do so in decades to come. As this trend is being explored to its full potential; expectedly, e-commerce will also have more positive impacts on the developing economy as compared with the developed ones due to the fact that efficiency and the need for enhancing productivity are to a great extent required Constantinescu (2011).

The conventional means of buying stadium tickets has always been through paper tickets. That means a lot of tedious tasks are involved in administering and managing the ticketing procedure. The sports industry has since introduced electronic booking and ticketing system which has not only ease in the purchase of tickets but have also resulted in short processing time and simplification of the overall process (Hu, et al. 2010 and Rivers, 2009). Although this is a welcomed process, their still exists some bottlenecks during ticket verification in the stadium. The admin verifies the authenticity of each ticket by comparing the ticket number to that in the database. This also takes time.

In this study we present the use of QR Codes to manage ticket booking. A secured electronic version of ticket in form of a QR Code is used instead of traditional paper slips. A Quick Response Code (QR Code) is a two-dimensional barcode, which has fast readability and greater storage capacity. A QR Code can be read by an imaging device such as camera and then be processed. This system simplifies the process of granting tickets to people in an easy way and eliminates paperwork. It also eliminates the workload and human effort by automatically displaying the ticket details for an employee in the webpage so that the user ticket can easily be verified and granted access to the stadium. And once when the ticket is generated, a unique QR code is generated with user details. The QR Code when scanned by the Authority at other point, displays the user ticket details.

This QR Code can definitely be a secured way and easiest way for both users and authority to process stadium booking tickets. It is Client-Server application software.

    1. Statement of the Problem

There are long queues and overcrowding of the stadium entrances by clients who come to purchase tickets or attend events in stadium. Verifying each ticket manually by stadium staff is cumbersome and tiring. This leads to some guest missing to attend the available event in time. The current ticket booking process is currently less effective, both in terms of time and cost. That's why the need for a more effective ordering process in terms of time and cost is more practical and faster. Therefore, the researcher came up with a system that will enable ticket booking using the internet.

    1. Aim and Objectives of the Study

The aim of this study is to develop an online stadium ticket system using QR code. To achieve the stated aim, the following specific objectives were laid out.

  1. Develop a stadium ticket booking system which can be accessed over the internet from any location
  2. Integrate QR codes for easy ticket identification
  3. Implement and validate the system to ensure correctness
    1. Scope of the Study

This study centers around the design and implementation of an online stadium ticketing system. In this study, QR codes are implemented for use in ticket verification. The software has two main interfaces; the users end and the admin end. From the user end, they can view available seats, book seat of their choice and make payment. A QR code containing their booking information is generation for them to take along to the stadium. The admin on the other hand can view all registered users, their booking and payment information. On users’ arrival to the stadium, the admin with the use of camera will scan their codes to verify the authenticity of the ticket and grant/reject access to the stadium.

    1. Significance of the Study

This study will simplify the general ticking system for a stadium, reduce the high dependence on paper and make more money for the sports facilities. Also this research will be beneficial to scholars researching the field of automation using QR codes as it will serve as a reference point to them.

    1. Definition of Terms
  • QR Codes: (quick response code) is a type of two dimensional (2D) bar code that is used to provide easy access to online information through the digital camera on a smartphone or tablet
  • TICKETS is a piece of paper or card that gives the holder a certain right especially to enter a place, travel by public transport, or participate in an event
  • STADIUM is a place or venue for outdoor sports, concert or other events and consist of fields or stage either partly or completely surrounded by a tiered structure, design to allow spectators stand or sit to view the event

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